Monday 18 November 2019

Why Egyptology?

My husband asked me why i like Ancient Egypt.  He said its quite a dark subject.

I guess that can be true as a lot of the studies about Ancient Egypt is centred around their burials and death and their beliefs about the afterlife.

I had to think about why because I don’t really like the death part and looking at mummified pharoahs makes me sad.  They look so vulnerable. And also a bit grusome. Their teeth bared as the lips have receeded back to the gums and skin taught over the skull.  I also feel they should be left in their tombs rather in a museum to be gawped at.  Although there is a conflict inside me which says that if Egyptologists don’t find the tombs graverobbers will and desecrate the mummies.

There is one thing -their names will last forever and that is what they hoped by building monuments and temples in their lifetime.   The same thing is true today - we want to leave a legacy to be remembered for our achievements.  For some that is conquering Everest or being a great actor, or, on the flipside a powerful dictator.

I love the art, craft and monuments they created.  I am fascinated by the beatiful things they left behind.  It is the gold and glamour that interests many.  There is so much we know but also so much we don,t.  What did the Pharoahs really think and feel?

 I dont think i will ever know everything there is to know on the subject.

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